Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New Britain, CT 06051
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New Britain CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethesda Apostolic Church | 860-225-3073 | 249 Stanley St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 860-225-8290 | 19 Franklin Sq | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
First Lutheran Church of The | 860-224-1557 | 77 Franklin Sq | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Fountain of Life Community Churc | 860-229-2083 | 403 Church St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Iglesia Bautista Congregacional | 860-826-5593 | 90 Main St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
New Generation Ministtries | 860-348-0862 | 182 High St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
New Life International Ministries | 860-827-1269 | 121 Main St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Sisters of Mercy | 860-229-6254 | 55 Spring St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
St Andrews Rectory | 860-224-0341 | 396 Church St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
St James Baptist Church | 860-224-7736 | 15 Wilcox St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
St John's Ev Lutheran Church | 860-225-4653 | 295 Arch St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
St Joseph Church | 860-229-4851 | 195 S Main St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Stanley Memorial Church | 860-229-8971 | 639 East St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Tabernacle Baptist Church | 860-224-4900 | 25 South St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 860-229-2403 | 69 Main St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church | 860-229-8422 | 477 Ellis St | New Britain | CT | 06051 |
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