Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Plainville, CT 06062
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Plainville CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A J S Enterprises | 860-793-9257 | 291 Farmington Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 860-747-2358 | 270 New Britain Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Aquaterra Seafood Restaurant | 860-793-1600 | 253 East St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Blue Plate Restaurant | 860-747-4860 | 180 Woodford Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Cottage Restaurant | 860-793-8888 | 427 Farmington Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
D'angelo Sandwich Shop | 860-747-8557 | 59 East St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Donut World | 860-793-2111 | 5 Stillwell Dr | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Frascone's Italian Deli | 860-793-8989 | 1217 Queen S | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Great American Donut | 860-793-6955 | 100 E Main St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Great American Restaurants | 860-747-6782 | 131 Whiting St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
J Timothy's Taverne | 860-747-6813 | 143 New Britain Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Jacqueline's Banquets for All Occasio | 860-747-1744 | 65 Whiting St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Liberty Diner L L C | 860-793-9693 | 290 East St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Longshot Sportsbar & Grill The | 860-747-3177 | 54 W Main St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Lotus Garden | 860-793-8725 | 95 Forestville Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Main St Diner | 860-793-1618 | 40 W Main St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Pralines of Plainville | 860-410-1151 | 107 New Britain Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Sliders Sports Bar & Grill | 860-747-4477 | 88 New Britain Ave | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Tom's Restaurant | 860-747-0850 | 2 Linden St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
Wagon Wheel Restaurant Llc | 860-410-1938 | 21 W Main St | Plainville | CT | 06062 |
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