Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Torrington, CT 06790
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Torrington CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advent Christian Church Parsonage | 860-489-7252 | 236 Crestwood Rd | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Calvary Baptist Church A B C | 860-489-5166 | 342 Prospect St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Center Congregational Church | 860-489-8301 | 155 Main St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Evangelical Baptist Church | 860-496-8022 | 25 Winsted Rd | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
First United Methodist Church | 860-489-8084 | 21 Fern Dr | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 860-482-4304 | 64 Berry St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Torrington | 860-496-7693 | 121 Dibble St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
St Francis of Assisi Church Rectory | 860-489-7405 | 93 Marcia Dr | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
St Francis of Assisi Church Rectory | 860-482-3121 | 360 Prospect St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 860-482-3555 | 837 Charles St | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
Workman Memorial A M E Zion Church | 860-489-3287 | 60 Brightwood Ave | Torrington | CT | 06790 |
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