Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in New Haven, CT 06511
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for New Haven CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amato's Apizza Restaurant | 203-562-2760 | 858 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Anna's | 203-782-2662 | 488 Orange St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Bangkok Garden Restaurant | 203-789-8684 | 172 York St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Bob's Canteen Service | 203-734-2004 | 76 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Chap's Grille | 203-562-3966 | 1174 Chapel St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Chestnut Fine Foods & Confections | 203-782-6767 | 1012 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Christopher Martins Restaurant & Pu | 203-776-8835 | 860 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Edge of the Woods | 203-787-1055 | 379 Whalley Ave | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Hunan Cafe | 203-776-9475 | 142 York St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
India Palace Restaurant | 203-776-9010 | 65 Howe St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
J P Dempsey's State Street Food & D | 203-624-5991 | 974 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Judies European Baked Goods | 203-777-6300 | 63 Grove St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Knights of Saint Patrick | 203-789-9535 | 1533 State St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Nica's Market Llc | 203-787-5919 | 603 Orange St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Old Blue | 203-562-2221 | 1157 Chapel St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Perrotti's of Wooster Street | 203-624-4407 | 127 Wooster St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Romeo & Cesare Gourmet Shoppe | 203-776-1614 | 771 Orange St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
Tandoor the Clay Oven | 203-776-6620 | 1226 Chapel St | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
The Greek Olive Restaurant | 203-495-9990 | 402 Sargent Dr | New Haven | CT | 06511 |
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