Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New Haven, CT 06519
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New Haven CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Power and Deliverance Chu | 203-503-0160 | 348 Howard Ave | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Christian Community Action Inc | 203-777-7848 | 168 Davenport Ave | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Faith Refuge Church of Christ Apostoli | 203-777-3544 | 70 West St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Holiness Church of Christ Delivere | 203-785-8261 | 12 Liberty St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 203-776-2643 | 59 Elliott St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
New Haven Catholic Youth Ministry | 203-777-3007 | 200 Columbus Ave | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Resurrection Lutheran Church | 203-782-2255 | 158 Davenport Ave | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Sacred Heart Church | 203-562-7592 | 74 Liberty St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Seventh Day Adventist Hispanic Church | 203-789-1471 | 33 Lamberton St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
St Basil Greek Orthodox Church | 203-777-8294 | 1 Tower Ln | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 203-865-5620 | 37 White St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
Thomas Chapel Church of Christ | 203-865-6254 | 30 White St | New Haven | CT | 06519 |
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