Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New London, CT 06320
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New London CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Cathedral of Hope | 860-437-7500 | 157 Green St | New London | CT | 06320 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church Pca | 860-443-2462 | 287 Vauxhall St | New London | CT | 06320 |
First Baptist Church of New London | 860-447-0388 | 268 State St | New London | CT | 06320 |
First Hispanic Baptist Church of New L | 860-443-6300 | 35 Redden Ave | New London | CT | 06320 |
Huntington Street Baptist Church | 860-443-4607 | 29 Huntington St | New London | CT | 06320 |
La Famille Deleglise De Dieu Inc | 860-444-2302 | 80 Jefferson Ave | New London | CT | 06320 |
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer | 860-444-6529 | 31 Cedar Grove Ave | New London | CT | 06320 |
Montauk Avenue Baptist Church | 860-443-3265 | 236 Montauk Ave | New London | CT | 06320 |
Mount Olive Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 860-443-4178 | 14 Linden St | New London | CT | 06320 |
New London United Methodist Churc | 860-443-7804 | 130 Broad St | New London | CT | 06320 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 860-442-4894 | 1 Garvin St | New London | CT | 06320 |
St James Episcopal Church | 860-443-4989 | Huntington & Federal | New London | CT | 06320 |
St Joseph's Church Rctry | 860-443-5393 | 17 Squire St | New London | CT | 06320 |
St Paul Church | 860-443-0286 | 170 Rope Ferry Rd | New London | CT | 06320 |
Tree of Life Christian Fellowship | 860-447-3757 | 122 Colman St | New London | CT | 06320 |
Trinity Missionary Baptist Church | 860-443-5897 | 60 Blackhall St | New London | CT | 06320 |
Walls Temple A M E Zion Church | 860-442-7512 | 16 Belden St | New London | CT | 06320 |
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