Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Wilmington, DE 19801
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Wilmington DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Accents of Hair | 302-656-2331 | 411 W 8th St Apt 1 | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Alexis Hair Design | 302-655-4303 | 1007 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Art of Nails & Natural Beauty | 302-426-9625 | 8 Trolley Sq | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Avon Products Sales Office | 302-652-8447 | 6th & King Sts | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Beaut-E De Coeur | 302-888-1720 | 920 N Monroe St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Best Kept Secrets | 302-658-6011 | 1222 N Washington St Apt 1 | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Cielo Salon & Spa Inc | 302-575-0400 | 600 Delaware Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Collete's Hair Braiding and Weave Studi | 302-655-7720 | 200 W 10th St Lowr | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Fantaisy Braids | 302-652-0440 | 317 N King St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Hair Corner Beauty Salon The | 302-571-9798 | 800 N Spruce St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Hair Et Cetera | 302-652-9826 | 707 S Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Hawa African Hair | 302-655-4470 | 807 N Shipley St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Infinity Hair Designs by Deirdre | 302-778-5509 | 941 Clifford Brown Walk | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Intou 2 Hair Studio | 302-778-2125 | 625 N King St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
James & Jesse's Barber & Maude's Beaut | 302-658-9617 | 933 Bennett St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Jean's Hair Design | 302-658-2922 | 200 N Washington St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Joyce's Hair Care Salon | 302-429-0669 | 837 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Juanita's Beauty Box | 302-652-3910 | 203 E 14th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Lilly's of the Valley Beauty Salon | 302-654-1402 | 222 W 9th St Lowr | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mariama African Hair Braiding | 302-888-1668 | 109 W 8th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mr Chris' Hair Designs | 302-658-2121 | 209 W 9th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Nuwaubian Connection | 302-571-9180 | 2215 W 23 St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Paris Hair Salon | 302-575-0911 | 333 New Castle Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Perry Anthony Design Group | 302-239-6161 | Shops at Limestone H | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Phalanges Hair | 302-658-9631 | 1008 N Walnut St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Simply Hair | 302-778-2277 | 843 N Orange St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Star Beauty Academy | 302-999-7865 | Greystone Plz | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Universal Hair Studio II | 302-498-0398 | 827 N Tatnall St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Viola's Beauty Salon | 302-571-8754 | 1140 N Walnut St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Vizable Image | 302-658-8801 | 709 N Tatnall St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
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