Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Newark, DE 19711
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Newark DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All About Kidz | 302-731-1920 | 1933 Kirkwood Hwy | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Cavalier Day Care Center | 302-366-8862 | New Churchmans Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Delaware Guidance Services for Ch | 302-455-9333 | Drummond Plz | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Edu Care Preschool & Daycare | 302-453-7326 | 345 Polly Drummond Hill | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Kids World Child Care Learning Center | 302-454-1649 | Village Cir | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 302-738-5953 | 1520 Casho Mill Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 302-453-8090 | 50 S Meadowood Dr | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Nannie's Day Care | 302-366-0629 | 2617 Pike Creek Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
New Castle County Headstart Inc | 302-224-3529 | 921 Barksdale Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Once Upon A Time | 302-366-1021 | 309 Possum Park Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
One Step Ahead Childcare & Pre | 302-266-9446 | 420 Willa Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Rising Stars Child Care Inc | 302-731-9618 | 1805 Capitol Trl | Newark | DE | 19711 |
Scalia's Day Care Center | 302-366-1430 | 701 Old Harmony Rd | Newark | DE | 19711 |
The Goddard School for Early Childhood | 302-454-9454 | 50 Polly Drummond Hill | Newark | DE | 19711 |
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