Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Wilmington, DE 19805
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Wilmington DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Leap of Faith Chlid Development Cen | 302-888-2058 | 1412 Lancaster Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
C E P Child Care Center | 302-573-2450 | 2516 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Child Care Center | 302-652-8992 | 221 N Jackson St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Elsmere Presbyterian Child Care Cent | 302-998-2070 | 606 New Rd | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Fresh Start Child Care Academy | 302-888-2148 | 111 S Lincoln St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Heavenly Angels | 302-622-8981 | 1833 Lancaster Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Hilltop Lutheran Day Care Center | 302-656-3670 | 1018 W 6th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Jackson's Mini Daycare Center | 302-888-1900 | 2511 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Kay-Q's Day Care Service | 302-428-1403 | 1210 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Lessons Learned Daycare and Preschool W | 302-777-2200 | 207 N Union St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Magic Years Child Care and Learning Ce | 302-575-0905 | 1725 W 7th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Merrie Moppets School | 302-998-8531 | 2600 Washington Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Mom's House | 302-658-3433 | 1718 Howland St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Robinsons Family Day Care | 302-652-1316 | 1007 N Clayton St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Small Wonder Daycare Inc | 302-654-2269 | 100 Greenhill Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Toddlers Tech Inc | 302-655-4487 | 2704 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
West End Neighborhood House | 302-888-5389 | 1725 W 8th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
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