Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Middletown, DE 19709
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Middletown DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A-1 Cleaners | 302-449-2002 | E Main St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Connection Community Church | 302-378-7692 | 100 W Green St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Crossroads Presbyterian Church | 302-378-6235 | 627 Vance Neck Rd | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Dale United Methodist Church | 302-378-9744 | 143 E Lake St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Forest Presbyterian Church | 302-376-5729 | 44 W Main St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 302-378-4215 | 13 Pennington St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Middletown Baptist Church | 302-378-2443 | 419 Armstrong Corner Rd | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Mount Calvary Baptist Church | 302-378-2777 | 300 New St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Rehoboth Apostolic Church | 302-378-4087 | 209 E Lake St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Summit United Methodist Church | 302-378-3760 | 554 Old Summit Bridge Rd | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Tree of Life Lutheran Church | 302-378-3345 | 1 S Broad St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
Trinity Ame Church | 302-378-2223 | 27 E Lockwood St | Middletown | DE | 19709 |
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