Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New Castle, DE 19720
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New Castle DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church International | 302-324-9293 | 75 Christiana Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 302-328-4141 | 300 E Basin Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Berean Baptist Church | 302-328-1011 | Wilmington Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Bethany Uame Church | 302-328-1809 | 5 William Sts | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Boulden Uame Church | 302-655-4888 | 201 Wilmington Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Buttonwood United Methodist Churc | 302-328-9611 | 20 Buttonwood Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Church at Liberty The | 302-325-9400 | 309 N Dupont Hwy | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Church on the Rock Ministries Inc | 302-429-9305 | 28 Queen Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Community Outreach Church | 302-778-0130 | 200 E Hazeldell Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Elam Tabernacle Inc | 302-328-2511 | 28 Bellecor Dr | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Epistles of Christ Ministries Inc | 302-832-2566 | 12 W Violette Dr | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
First Baptist Church | 302-328-4000 | 901 E Basin Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
First Baptist Church of Holloway Terrac | 302-654-1710 | 4th & W Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 302-366-1242 | 2200 Glasgow Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Higher Ground Ministries | 302-325-1778 | 87 Christiana Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Holy Spirit Catholic Church | 302-658-1069 | 12 Winder Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 302-328-7909 | 230 Christiana Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Iron Hill Community Church | 302-325-0430 | 11 Parkway Cir | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Manor Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 302-328-1398 | 105 Morrison Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Minquadale United Methodist Churc | 302-622-9162 | 220 Minquadale Blvd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 302-654-2302 | 3079 New Castle Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
New Castle Free Will Baptist Church | 302-328-3799 | 407 Moores Ln | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
New Castle Presbyterian Church | 302-328-3279 | 25 2nd St | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Our Lady of Fatima Church | 302-322-1525 | 801 N Dupont Hwy | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Our Lady of Fatima Church | 302-322-3112 | 100 W Grant Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Peoples Baptist Church | 302-658-8156 | 50 South St | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Pleasantville Baptist Church | 302-328-5825 | 162 Christiana Rd | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Seeds of Greatness | 302-324-8050 | 510 Frank Orchards Ln | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Sisters of Notre Dame | 302-654-1206 | 6 Church Dr | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Sisters of St Francis | 302-326-3630 | 520 Ashton Ln | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Solid Rock Baptist Church | 302-254-4533 | 4082 New Castle Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
Union A M E Zion Church | 302-652-9649 | 4110 New Castle Ave | New Castle | DE | 19720 |
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