Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wilmington, DE 19801
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wilmington DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church | 302-658-1676 | 604 N Walnut St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 302-478-7374 | 1217 Wilson St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Bethel Church of the Living God | 302-427-2750 | 828 N Spruce St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Central Baptist Church | 302-656-6234 | 9 Pine | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Christian United Fellowship Bapt | 302-656-2860 | 632 E 9th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Church of the Living Word | 302-654-1240 | 816 S Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Coleman Memorial United Methodist Churc | 302-656-3565 | 465 Anderson Dr | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Concord Presbyterian Church | 302-654-9557 | Foulk Rd & Fairfax B | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Dialog Newspaper Catholic Dioces | 302-573-3109 | 1925 Wilmington Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Eastlake Methodist Church | 302-762-5716 | 30th | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church | 302-478-7776 | 1006 Wilson St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Ezion Fair Baptist Church | 302-652-9114 | 1230 N French St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Ezion Mount Carmel United Methodis | 302-654-3103 | 800 N Walnut St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Faithful Missionary Baptist Church | 302-429-0468 | 7th & Monroe Sts | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
First & Central Presbyterian Ch | 302-654-5371 | 1101 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
First Church of Christ Scientist Readi | 302-652-7553 | 900 N Tatnall St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
First Presbyterian Church | 302-656-3994 | W Street & S Park | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Friends Meeting | 302-652-4491 | 401 N West St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 302-652-9429 | 530 E 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Grace Baptist Church | 302-764-0226 | 41st & West St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 302-655-8847 | 900 N Washington St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Great Faith Chrisitian Fellowship Chru | 302-652-2614 | 718 N Church St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Greater Saint John Baptist Church | 302-658-4747 | 504 N Jefferson St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Harrison Memorial Baptist Church | 302-658-3997 | 413 S Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Hillcrest Bellefonte United Methodis | 302-764-3145 | Hillcrest Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Lifeline Outreach Minestries | 302-655-7494 | 318 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Methodist Action Program | 302-225-5627 | 100 W 10th St Ste 701 | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 302-656-5193 | 1400 A St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Miracle Temple Holy Church | 302-658-7144 | 504 E 11th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mother Union A M E Church | 302-778-2621 | 701 E 5th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mount Joy United Methodist Churc | 302-655-7751 | 455 Townsend St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mt Enon Baptist Church | 302-656-4529 | 700 N Spruce St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Mt Zion A U M P Church | 302-762-3449 | 28th | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
New Apostolic Life Ministries | 302-888-2820 | 321 S Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
New Calvary Baptist Church | 302-652-9565 | 610 S Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
New Mount Olive Baptist Church | 302-652-9901 | 1402 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
New Mt Bethel Baptist Church | 302-654-3134 | 504 W 5th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Refreshing Spring Gcogic Inc | 302-888-0107 | 300 N Lombard St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Saint Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church | 302-594-1400 | 408 S Harsn | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Scott A M E Zion Church | 302-652-2660 | 7 Spruce Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Shekinah Glory Fellowship Chur | 302-778-1360 | 809 Taylor St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Shiloh Apostolic Church of Jamaica | 302-571-0774 | 1113 B St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Spirit Life Ministries | 302-764-9673 | 3401 Northeast Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
St Joseph's Catholic Church | 302-658-4535 | 1012 N French St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church | 302-764-7488 | Duncan Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
St Mary's Church | 302-429-7504 | 601 E 6th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
St Patrick's and St Mary's Church | 302-652-0743 | 1414 N King St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Tabernacle Full Gospel Baptist Church | 302-652-9955 | 501 N Washington St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Tabernacle Full Gospel Baptist Church | 302-658-9479 | 24HR Prayerline | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Temple United Church | 302-571-8596 | 602 N Washington St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 302-475-5495 | Darley & Naamans Rd | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
West Presbyterian Church | 302-656-8326 | 500 W 8th St | Wilmington | DE | 19801 |
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