Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wilmington, DE 19802
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wilmington DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boulden Seminary Inc | 302-764-0994 | 3101 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Christ Center Inc | 302-656-9285 | 939 Vandever Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Christian Growth Ministry | 302-764-9530 | 101 E 32nd St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church | 302-762-9601 | 20 W Lea Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Ctac | 302-764-0600 | 2625 N West St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 302-652-7065 | 2200 N Claymont St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Eighth Street Baptist Church | 302-762-8311 | 3301 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Episcopal Diocese of Delaware | 302-656-5441 | 2020 N Tatnall St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Faith Memorial Baptist Church | 302-654-4005 | 2131 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Glorious Church of the Lord Jesus Chri | 302-761-9370 | 825 E 28th St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Grace Camp Fellowship Ministries | 302-762-7797 | 3014 Governor Printz Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Harriet R Tubman Community Unite | 302-656-2660 | 22 Market Sts | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Latter Day Baptist Church | 302-764-2227 | 520 W 32nd St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Loveheals Ministry | 302-576-9810 | 301 W 20th St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Mount Zion Greater Harvest Ministr | 302-764-5694 | 3607 Governor Printz Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Mount Zion Greater Harvest Ministr | 302-762-5651 | 2501 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
New Destiny Fellowship | 302-762-5600 | 2910 N Van Buren St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 302-571-1615 | 1230 N Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Northeast Church of Christ | 302-762-3094 | 2611 Governor Printz Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Peninsula Delaware Conference Wilm | 302-571-1471 | 2200 Baynard Blvd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Praise To the King Ministries | 302-571-0695 | 602 Vandever Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Presbyterian Church of Our Savior | 302-764-8843 | 1006 E 28th St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Primitive Baptist Church of Wilmi | 302-762-0622 | 2911 N Van Buren St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Restoration Christian Fellowship | 302-764-8885 | 13 E 35th St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Rideout Linwood III Bishop | 302-764-1817 | 4411 Fielding Rd | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Saint James Aump Church | 302-652-2619 | 1106 E 16th St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 302-655-5315 | 215 W 23rd St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Spirit & Truth Deliverance Min | 302-764-3805 | 302 W Matson Run Pkwy | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Spirit of Life Lutheran Church | 302-652-6311 | 500 Concord Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
St Paul Uame Church | 302-764-1835 | 3114 N Market St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
Union Baptist Church | 302-762-9103 | 2616 Carter St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
United Independent Methodist Churc | 302-762-4430 | 2500 N Jefferson St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
United Tabernacle of Christ | 302-656-9690 | 1207 N Heald St | Wilmington | DE | 19802 |
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