Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Wilmington, DE 19805
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Wilmington DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Legion | 302-998-9448 | 1601 Kirkwood Hwy | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Bayard House | 302-654-1184 | 300 Bayard Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Building & Construction Trades Cil of D | 302-892-9600 | 922 New Rd | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Catholic Charities | 302-655-9624 | 2601 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Consumer Service Organization | 302-654-1816 | 2400 W 4th St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Defiance Athletic Association | 302-652-7208 | 1007 Coleman St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Polish American Post 3257 Veterans O | 302-652-9803 | 106 7th Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Polish Library Association | 302-652-9555 | 433 S Van Buren St | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Sheet Metal Workers Internation Ass | 302-999-0573 | 911 New Rd | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
Wilmington Fire Fighters Associ | 302-652-5317 | 804 Maryland Ave | Wilmington | DE | 19805 |
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