Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Laurel, DE 19956
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Laurel DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Centenary United Methodist Churc | 302-875-3983 | Market & Poplar | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 302-875-4233 | 510 S Central Ave | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Church of Christ | 302-875-7748 | 1010 S Central Ave | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Kings United Methodist Church | 302-875-9923 | RR 70 | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Laurel Baptist Church | 302-875-7998 | 33056 Bi State Blvd | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Mount Pisgah Ame Church | 302-875-4559 | Townsend St | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Mt Pleasant United Methodist Churc | 302-875-2288 | Road 493A | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
New Zion United Methodist Churc | 302-875-0727 | 430 W 6th St | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
St John Ame Zion Church | 302-875-4042 | Ross Pt | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
St Matthews First Baptist Church | 302-875-9931 | Wolfe St | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 302-875-7900 | RR 2 | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Trinity Holiness Church | 302-875-2522 | 533 Center St | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Trinity Um Church | 302-875-7715 | 18428 Phillips Hill Rd | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
Voice of Christ Ministry | 302-875-1921 | 11528 Commercial Ln | Laurel | DE | 19956 |
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