Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seaford, DE 19973
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seaford DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Ministries | 302-629-0292 | 316 N Dual Hwy | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Atlanta Road Alliance Church | 302-629-7693 | Atlanta Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Blades United Methodist Church | 302-629-9513 | 306 S Market St | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 302-629-9755 | Shipley & Spruce | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Concord United Methodist Churc | 302-628-8114 | 25332 Church Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
First Haitian Baptist Church | 302-628-4510 | 267 Walker Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Good Samaritan Christian Fello | 302-629-0256 | 26764 Seaford Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Grace Baptist Church | 302-629-8434 | 805 Atlanta Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
John Wesley United Methodist Churc | 302-629-9215 | 3rd & Chandler | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 302-629-2004 | 10030 Old Furnace Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Macdonia Ame Church | 302-629-3116 | North St | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Mt Olivet United Methodist Churc | 302-629-4458 | 315 High St | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Mt Olivet United Methodist Churc | 302-629-9579 | 758 Nylon Blvd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 302-875-4251 | Laurel Hwy | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Nanticoke Church of Christ | 302-628-1008 | 328 High St | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Church | 302-629-7999 | 532 E Stein Hwy | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Seaford Presbyterian Church | 302-629-9077 | 701 Bridgeville Hwy | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
St John's Pre-School | 302-629-2289 | Pine & Poplar | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
St Johns United Methodist Churc | 302-629-9466 | Pine & Poplar Sts | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 302-629-3029 | 22025 Atlanta Rd | Seaford | DE | 19973 |
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