Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lewes, DE 19958
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lewes DE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adriatico Italian Restaurant | 302-645-6160 | 22 Midway Shopping Ctr | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Anglers Restaurant | 302-645-6888 | 213 Anglers Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurant | 302-645-7476 | Highway One & Rt 9 | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Beach House Restaurant | 302-645-1722 | 1 Cape Henlopen Dr | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Blue Plate The | 302-644-8400 | 329 Savannah Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Bob Evans Farms Restaurant | 302-645-0871 | 18492 Coastal Hwy | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Fish on on | 302-645-9790 | 17300 N Village Main Blvd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Gilligan's Waterfront Restaurant and | 302-644-7230 | 134 W Market St | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Java Beach Bagel Company | 302-644-0370 | 17314 N Village Main Blvd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
La Tolteca Mexican Resturant | 302-644-3994 | 4578 Highway One | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Lemon Tree Restaurant | 302-645-0481 | 416 E Savannah Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Lewes Beach Dairy Queen | 302-645-9284 | 107 Savannah Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Lighthouse Restaurant at Fisherman's | 302-645-6271 | 7 Anglers Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Pelican Grille | 302-945-6620 | 21383 Camp Arrowhead Rd | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Second Street Grille | 302-644-4121 | 115 2nd St | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Taco Bell | 302-645-4655 | Rehoboth Mall | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
Tokyo Steakhouse | 302-645-9728 | 1220 Highway One | Lewes | DE | 19958 |
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