Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Gainesville, FL 32607
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Gainesville FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ballyhoo Grill The | 352-373-0059 | 3700 W University Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Calico Jack's Oyster Bar & Seafood H | 352-371-1675 | 3501 SW 2nd Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Checkers Restaurant | 352-373-8520 | 3325 W University Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
El Norteno Mexican Restaurant | 352-332-5502 | 516 NW 75th St | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Heavenly Ham Market Cafe | 352-375-8050 | 3832 W Newberry Rd | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Hilton University of Florida Confere | 352-371-3600 | 1714 SW 34th St | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Ivey's Grill | 352-371-4839 | 3303 W University Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 352-331-3474 | 710 NW 60th St | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Mi Apa Latin Cafe | 352-376-7020 | 114 SW 34th St | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Mildred's Big City Food | 352-371-1711 | 3445 W University Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Pio's Pasta Co | 352-372-9975 | 4320 SW 20th Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Stonewood Grill and Tavern | 352-379-5982 | 3812 W Newberry Rd | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Sub Stop Cafe | 352-332-1599 | 7249 NW 4th Blvd | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 352-377-0652 | 3412 W University Ave | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
Yamato Japanese Restaurant | 352-332-4466 | 526 NW 60th St | Gainesville | FL | 32607 |
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