Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Melbourne, FL 32904
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Melbourne FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Baptist Church | 321-727-2495 | 1100 Dorchester Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 321-726-8165 | 3300 Lakewood Dr | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Church of Christ of Melbourne | 321-723-8233 | 810 Hollywood Blvd | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
First Baptist Melbourne | 321-723-0561 | 3301 Dairy Rd | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
June Park Baptist Church | 321-724-1305 | 3475 Miami Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Korean Central Baptist Church | 321-951-0046 | 2177 Meadowlane Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
New Hope Lutheran Church & Academ | 321-768-1500 | 870 Hollywood Blvd | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
New Hope Sanctuary Inc | 321-725-7281 | 3150 Milwaukee Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Restoration Fellowship Ministry | 321-409-0011 | 90 East Ct | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Unitarian Universalist Church of Breva | 321-725-6125 | 2185 Meadowlane Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 321-727-7585 | 2075 Meadowlane Ave | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
West Melbourne First Baptist Church | 321-725-6284 | 79 Park Hill Blvd | Melbourne | FL | 32904 |
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