Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Merritt Island, FL 32953
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Merritt Island FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 321-452-4862 | 66 E Merritt Ave | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Ark of Calvary Ministry | 321-452-4717 | 190 Grant Rd | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Church of Christ North Courtenay | 321-452-8822 | 2455 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
East Coast Christian Center | 321-452-1060 | 670 N Courtenay Pkwy Ste 9 | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
First Christian Church of Merritt Isla | 321-452-1355 | 1750 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Grace United Methodist Church of Merri | 321-452-2420 | 65 Needle Blvd | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Greater Mt Zion Missionary Bapt | 321-452-0089 | 1390 N Tropical Trl | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Islander Alliance Church | 321-453-0770 | 2450 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Mount Taber Primitive Baptist Church | 321-453-4141 | 333 Lucas Rd | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
North Merritt Island United Methodis | 321-452-7180 | 6355 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Northwind Ministries Inc | 321-459-0580 | 6250 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Orsino Baptist Church | 321-452-0373 | 4505 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
River of Life Assembly of God | 321-452-6990 | 1890 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Spiritual Care and Counseling Cent | 321-452-4080 | 280 E Merritt Ave | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
St Luke's Episcopal Church | 321-452-5260 | 5555 N Tropical Trl | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
Unity Church of Central Brevard | 321-452-2625 | 4725 N Courtenay Pkwy | Merritt Island | FL | 32953 |
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