Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Davie, FL 33325
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Davie FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broward Community Chapel | 954-472-3116 | 11501 Rexmere Blvd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Calvary Chapel Sawgrass | 954-424-8046 | 1775 S Flamingo Rd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Christian Fellowship | 954-475-7274 | 1380 S Flamingo Rd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Church of Christ West Broward | 954-475-7172 | 12550 W Broward Blvd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 954-472-0524 | 851 NW 112th Ave | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Community Christian Church | 954-476-7100 | 155 NW 112th Ave | Davie | FL | 33325 |
First Church West-Pca | 954-452-4404 | 12700 W Broward Blvd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls | 954-475-2425 | 11351 W Broward Blvd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Korean Catholic Community | 954-474-9091 | 14344 S Royal Cove Cir | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Parkway Christian Church | 954-476-0020 | 1200 S Flamingo Rd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Plantation Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 954-473-4991 | 400 NW 118th Ave | Davie | FL | 33325 |
St Bonaventure Catholic Church | 954-424-9504 | 1301 SW 136th Ave | Davie | FL | 33325 |
Way of Life Assembly of God Church | 954-474-4703 | 13206 W Broward Blvd | Davie | FL | 33325 |
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