Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Lauderdale, FL 33068
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Lauderdale FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 954-972-3321 | 6060 Kimberly Blvd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Broadview Baptist Church Garbc | 954-972-2603 | 1640 SW 61st Ave | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Church of Christ Broadview | 954-971-9335 | 6080 SW 17th St | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Dominion Christian Assembly Inc | 954-957-8985 | 6043 Kimberly Blvd Ste B | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Faith United Church | 954-917-5031 | 1635 S State Road 7 | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
First Haitian Baptist Church of N Lau | 954-978-9108 | 1350 S State Road 7 | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Formal 1 Tuxedo | 954-968-4007 | 690 S State Road 7 | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Fulness Ministries International | 954-720-8737 | 957 SW 71st Ave | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Grace Community Church | 954-724-4425 | 8054 W McNab Rd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Guerra Music | 954-917-1956 | 4968 SW 5th St | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Iglesia Pontecostal Unida Latino Am | 954-970-8948 | 6035 Kimberly Blvd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of | 954-979-5074 | 6160 Boulevard of Champio | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Latin American Christian Cente | 954-720-4467 | 980 SW 81st Ave | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
M & M Scott Ministries | 954-956-8077 | 751 SW 70th Way | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Our Lady Queen of Heaven | 954-971-0560 | 1400 S State Road 7 | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Restoration Church Ministries | 954-968-7335 | 6060 SW 7th St | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
The Christian Church by Faith Ministry | 954-597-0002 | 8013 Kimberly Blvd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
The Rivers of Living Water Deliveran | 954-935-0109 | 701 S State Road 7 | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Victory Life | 954-974-6486 | 6177 Kimberly Blvd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Village United Methodist Churc | 954-721-3920 | 1001 SW 71st Ave | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
Word of His Grace Fellowship | 954-978-3374 | 6002 Kimberly Blvd | North Lauderdale | FL | 33068 |
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