Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Inverness, FL 34453
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Inverness FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Bible Church of Inverness | 352-344-8331 | 5335 E Jasmine Ln | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Christian Recovery Fellowship | 352-726-2800 | 2242 Highway 44 W | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Church of Christ | 352-637-6400 | 5148 E Live Oak Ln | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Church Without Walls | 352-344-2425 | 1140 Turner Camp Rd | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Citrus Missionary Baptist Church | 352-860-0686 | 6690 E Turner Camp Rd | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
First Christian Church of Inverness | 352-344-1908 | 2018 Colonade St | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
First Lutheran Church | 352-726-1637 | 1900 Highway 44 W | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
First Spanish Church of Citrus County | 352-341-1711 | 1370 N Croft Ave | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Redeemer Presbyterian Church of Citru | 352-726-0077 | 2991 E Thomas St | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Trinity Baptist Church of Citrus Count | 352-726-0100 | 2840 E Hayes St | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
Victory Baptist Church | 352-726-9719 | 5040 E Shady Acres Dr | Inverness | FL | 34453 |
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