Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Jacksonville, FL 32223
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Jacksonville FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church of Mandarin | 904-262-6944 | 4211 Julington Creek Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Colonial Baptist Church | 904-262-3553 | 2955 Orange Picker Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Episcopal Church of Our Saviour | 904-268-9457 | 12236 Mandarin Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
First Baptist Church of Mandarin | 904-268-2422 | 3990 Loretto Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Grace Chapel Christian Fellowship | 904-288-8808 | 2960 Plummer Cove Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Mandarin Congre | 904-260-3566 | 2868 Westberry Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Mandarin Assembly of God | 904-268-2244 | 3423 Loretto Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Mandarin Baptist Church | 904-262-6322 | 11244 San Jose Blvd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Mandarin Lutheran Church Elca | 904-268-4591 | 11900 San Jose Blvd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Mandarin Presbyterian Church | 904-680-9944 | 11844 Mandarin Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Mandarin United Methodist Churc | 904-268-5549 | 11270 San Jose Blvd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
Philip R Cousin Ame Church | 904-262-3083 | 2601 Orange Picker Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32223 |
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