Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Jacksonville, FL 32234
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Jacksonville FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Ministries | 904-266-4967 | 17141 New Brandy Branch Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Baldwin Assembly of God | 904-266-4187 | 100 Oscar Rd | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Baldwin United Methodist Churc | 904-266-4964 | 51 Chestnut St S | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Clay Hill Baptist Church | 904-289-9292 | 6054 County Road 218 | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Collins Chapel Ame Church | 904-266-2349 | 465 US Highway 90 E | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
First Baptist Church of Maxville | 904-289-7095 | 8635 Maxville Blvd | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Grace Baptist Church | 904-266-9532 | 479 Center St N | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Highland First Baptist Church | 904-289-9790 | 1409 US Highway 301 N | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Highland First Baptist Church | 904-289-9795 | 1395 Highway 301 | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
Long Branch Baptist Church | 904-289-7430 | Long Branch Cemetery | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
New St Paul M B C | 904-266-2634 | 550 Franklin St | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 904-266-2648 | 730 Clark St | Jacksonville | FL | 32234 |
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