Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Tampa, FL 33607
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Tampa FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Bartending School | 813-876-1616 | 3310 W Cypress St Ste 202 | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Blake High School | 813-272-3422 | 1701 N Boulevard | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Dunbar School | 813-276-5677 | 1730 W Union St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Jefferson Senior High School | 813-872-5241 | 4401 W Cypress St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Just Childhood Center | 813-276-5708 | 1315 W Spruce St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
La Voy Exceptional School | 813-872-5285 | 4410 W Main St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Macfarlane Magnet Elementary | 813-356-1760 | 1721 N Macdill Ave | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Roland Park Middle School | 813-872-5212 | 1510 N Manhattan Ave | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
School Board of Hillsborough Co | 813-276-5691 | 1125 W Spruce St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
Tampa Bay Boulevard School | 813-872-5208 | 3111 W Tampa Bay Blvd | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
West Tampa Elementary | 813-872-5200 | 2700 W Cherry St | Tampa | FL | 33607 |
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