Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sebastian, FL 32958
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sebastian FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 772-589-6519 | 123 Thunderbird Dr | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 772-589-7117 | 1301 Sebastian Blvd | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Church at the Cross | 772-589-4935 | 50 S Wimbrow Dr | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Church of Christ | 772-589-5140 | 1045 Main St | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Community Baptist Church | 772-388-3787 | 12534 Roseland Rd | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Cornerstone Baptist Fellowship | 772-589-0888 | 1091 Schumann Dr | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Creel Edwin Pastor | 772-589-4363 | 1117 US Highway 1 | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Crossroads Christian Fellowship | 772-589-3185 | 10205 US Highway 1 | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
First Presbyterian Church of Sebas | 772-589-5656 | 1405 Louisiana Ave | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church | 772-388-2488 | 8755 64th Ct | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Riverside Church Assembly of God | 772-589-7825 | 11205 Roseland Rd | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Roseland Christian Preschool | 772-388-5004 | 12962 Roseland Rd | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Sebastian Christian Church | 772-388-0410 | 190 Day Dr | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Sebastian United Methodist Churc | 772-589-5230 | 1029 Main St | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
St Elizabeth's Episcopal Churc | 772-589-2770 | 901 Clearmont St | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
St Matthews Baptist Church | 772-589-5501 | 8550 64th Ave | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Els Wels | 772-581-3570 | 611 Schumann Dr | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
United Church of Sebastian Ucc | 772-388-0461 | 1251 Sebastian Blvd | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
Wabasso Haitian Mission Umc | 772-581-9590 | 8799 50th Ave | Sebastian | FL | 32958 |
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