Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Mount Dora, FL 32757
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Mount Dora FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Assembly of God | 352-383-5101 | 1400 Camp Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Bethel Free Methodist Church | 352-383-0156 | 303 E Jackson Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Central Christian Church Disciple | 352-383-2636 | 3720 N Highway 19A | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Church of Christ | 352-383-2048 | 1801 N Donnelly St | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
First Baptist Church of Mt Dora | 352-383-4179 | 1000 E 1st Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
First Christian Church of Mount Dora | 352-383-3277 | 1804 Robie Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
First Presbyterian Church of Mt Do | 352-383-4089 | 222 W 6th Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
First United Methodist Church Mt Dora | 352-383-2005 | 439 E 5th Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Greater Mount Carmel Church | 352-735-1401 | 6009 Terrell Rd | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
House of God | 352-735-6775 | 1300 N Grandview St | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Impacting Word Family Worship Center | 352-735-0075 | 746 E 5th Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Lake Ola Baptist Church | 352-383-7920 | 6551 Sadler Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Living Word Cogic | 352-735-3030 | 6969 Cherokee Dr | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Lutheran Church Saint Philip El Ca | 352-383-5402 | 1050 Boyd Dr | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Mt Olive Methodist Church | 352-383-4977 | 1630 N Grandview St | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Saint Johns Christian Coalition Minis | 352-383-4446 | 1015 Grant Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
Shady Grove Apostolic Faith | 352-735-4277 | 1906 N Highland St | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
St Edward's Episcopal Church | 352-383-2832 | 460 N Grandview St | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
St Luke Full Gospel Baptist Church | 352-735-9199 | 4230 N Orange Blossom Trl | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
St Marys Missionary Baptist Church | 352-383-7945 | 917 Grant Ave | Mount Dora | FL | 32757 |
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