Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bradenton, FL 34203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bradenton FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
53rd Ave Church of Christ | 941-753-4153 | 3412 53rd Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Braden River Presbyterian Ch | 941-739-0202 | 5150 Peridia Blvd E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Braden River United | 941-755-8833 | 3318 46th Ter E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Braden River United Methodist Churc | 941-745-1663 | 5858 44th Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Community of Christ Bradenton Saras | 941-751-5441 | 5817 33rd St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 941-758-3066 | 3321 63rd Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
First Baptist Church of Oneco | 941-755-1690 | 1700 51st Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
First General Baptist Church | 941-756-1929 | 5535 33rd St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren | 941-758-0988 | 6323 13th Street Ct E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Haitian Ministry Theophile Churc | 941-752-3441 | 4915 15th St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Happy Gospel Center | 941-756-6942 | 1915 53rd Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Hope Presbyterian Church Pca | 941-746-6562 | 4455 30th St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Journey Assembly of God | 941-751-4673 | 5019 37th St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
More Than Conquerors Ministries & Fa | 941-727-9300 | 5425 39th St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Oneco United Methodist Church | 941-755-5943 | 2112 53rd Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Pentecostals of Bradenton The | 941-756-1451 | 5223 9th St E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
Word of Faith Worship Center | 941-753-9586 | 6815 53rd Ave E | Bradenton | FL | 34203 |
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