Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Parrish, FL 34219
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Parrish FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 941-722-0218 | 8305 US Highway 301 N | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Faith Lutheran Church Lcms | 941-776-1395 | 9608 US Highway 301 N | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
First Baptist Church of Parrish | 941-776-1533 | 12125 71st St E | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Lighthouse Full Gospel Center | 941-776-2422 | 11750 US Highway 301 N | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 941-776-8687 | 9422 Old Tampa Rd | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
North River Church of Christ | 941-776-1134 | 13885 US Highway 301 N | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Parrish United Methodist Churc | 941-776-1539 | 12140 69th St E | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Parrish United Methodist Churc | 941-776-2325 | 12020 71st St E | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Parrish United Methodist Churc | 941-776-2293 | 12180 US Highway 301 N | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
Saint Mary's Baptist Church | 941-776-1740 | 11755 Erie Rd | Parrish | FL | 34219 |
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