Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Citra, FL 32113
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Citra FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ the King Catholic Church | 352-595-5605 | 14045 N US Highway 301 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Christian Disciples Int'l | 352-629-2301 | 13695 N US Highway 441 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Church of God by Faith | 352-595-1356 | 16655 NE Jacksonville Rd | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Church of God in Christ | 352-595-7367 | 1890 NE 172nd Pl | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Citra Sda Church | 352-595-3963 | 17200 N US Highway 301 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
First Baptist Church of Citra | 352-595-7300 | 18280 N US Highway 301 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
First United Methodist Church Citra | 352-595-3151 | 2000 NE 180th St | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Hopewell Baptist Church | 352-629-7264 | 3280 W Highway 329 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Miami Revival Center | 352-595-8981 | 17450 NE 16th Ter | Citra | FL | 32113 |
New Hope United Methodist Churc | 352-595-1930 | 17401 N US Highway 301 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Simmons Baptist Church | 352-595-7536 | 7039 E Highway 318 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Southern Home Old Regular Baptist | 352-595-5967 | 14748 N Magnolia Ave | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Sparr Baptist Church | 352-622-4317 | 1305 E Highway 329 | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Sparr United Methodist Church | 352-629-1707 | 13100 NE Jacksonville Rd | Citra | FL | 32113 |
St John Ame Church | 352-595-2129 | 1680 NE 175th St | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Victory Baptist Church | 352-595-1388 | 3760 NE 175th Street Rd | Citra | FL | 32113 |
Willow Plant Missionary Baptist Church | 352-595-5629 | Church St | Citra | FL | 32113 |
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