Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ocala, FL 34476
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ocala FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Countryside Presbyterian Ch | 352-237-4633 | 7768 SW Highway 200 | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
First Congregational United Church O | 352-237-3035 | 7171 SW Highway 200 | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Ft Douglas Baptist Church | 352-861-1001 | 2790 SW 87th Pl | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Ch | 352-291-9199 | 151 SW 87th Pl | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Joy Evangelical Lutheran Church | 352-854-4509 | 7045 SW 83rd Pl | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
New Beginnings Baptist Church | 352-237-5011 | 10345 SW 27th Ave | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Ocala Korean Baptist Church | 352-861-1471 | 7710 SW 38th Ave | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Ocala West United Methodist Churc | 352-854-7615 | 7327 SW 102nd Pl | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Olivet Baptist Church | 352-237-2918 | 8495 S Magnolia Ave | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Queen of Peace Catholic Church | 352-854-2181 | 6455 SW Highway 200 | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
Shady Grove Baptist Church | 352-237-3422 | 9225 SW 27th Ave | Ocala | FL | 34476 |
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