Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ocala, FL 34482
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ocala FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Baptist Church | 352-732-5099 | 6200 NW 50th Ave | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Ebenezer Independent Free Methodist | 352-622-1472 | 5595 W Highway 326 | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 352-629-5379 | 10500 N US Highway 27 | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Living Word Church The | 352-369-5547 | 4411 NW 60th St | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Masjid Darul Islam of Ocala | 352-873-9959 | 6915 W Highway 40 | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Metropolitan Community Church Ocala | 352-368-9929 | 4273 W Silver Springs Blvd | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
New Beginnings Deliverance Cen | 352-629-2977 | 4420 W Silver Springs Blvd | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
New Chapel Missionary Baptist Church | 352-732-1118 | 9719 NW 115th Ave | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
New Zion Intern'l Ministry Inc | 352-690-7546 | 5860 NW 6th St | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Progressive Union Baptist Church | 352-622-8320 | 8792 NW 38th Avenue Rd | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
Siloan Baptist Church | 352-351-8733 | 12977 NW 35th St | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
St John's United Methodist Churc | 352-237-5777 | 12390 W Highway 328 | Ocala | FL | 34482 |
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