Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Miami, FL 33176
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Miami FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 305-235-3851 | 14440 Lincoln Blvd | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 305-234-4020 | 11445 Robinson St | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 305-234-4001 | 11447 Robinson St | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Concordia Lutheran Church and Scho | 305-235-6123 | 8701 SW 124th St | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Family Worship Center International | 305-234-2555 | 14551 Carver Dr | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Golatt Paul Elder Jr | 305-238-4013 | 14600 Bethune Dr | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Harvest Church | 786-293-9055 | 11335 SW 133rd Ter | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Iglesia Bautista Hispana Riversi | 305-598-5455 | 9815 SW 107th Ct | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Jesus Fellowship | 305-595-5314 | 9775 SW 87th Ave | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Killian Pines United Methodist Churc | 305-595-2878 | 10755 SW 112th St | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Second Baptist Church | 305-232-0499 | 11111 Pinkston Dr | Miami | FL | 33176 |
St Catherine of Siena Church | 305-274-6333 | 9200 SW 107th Ave | Miami | FL | 33176 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 305-255-6295 | 8819 SW 126th Ter | Miami | FL | 33176 |
Third Church of Christ Scientist Miami | 305-271-2040 | 11001 SW 87th Ave | Miami | FL | 33176 |
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