Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Miami, FL 33161
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Miami FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Centro Cristiano Ebenezer | 305-949-5757 | 14501 W Dixie Hwy | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 305-893-1100 | 11173 Griffing Blvd | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Church of God Evangelical | 305-892-2828 | 12800 NE 6th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Eglise Baptiste Christ Vivant | 305-899-0779 | 11886 W Dixie Hwy | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
El Shaddai Presbyterian Church | 305-891-8966 | 11303 NE 13th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Filipino American Ministries | 305-891-4711 | 12300 NE 6th Ct | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
First Baptist Church of North Miami | 305-891-5504 | 12905 NE 8th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
First Church of North Miami Congregat | 305-891-5286 | 1200 NE 135th St | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
First Haitian Baptist Church of North | 305-893-3088 | 13950 NE 2nd Ct | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Fraternity Baptist Church | 305-899-9524 | 13300 NE 7th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Grace Church of the First Born Inc | 305-948-0362 | 1572 NE 150th St | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Grace Church of the First Born of M | 305-947-7997 | 14900 NE 16th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls | 305-893-6590 | 13525 NE 2nd Ct | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Miami | 305-892-9506 | 13700 NE 10th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus | 305-892-6820 | 14155 Memorial Hwy | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
New Vision for Christ Ministries | 305-899-7224 | 13650 NE 10th Ave | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 305-891-6218 | 900 NE 132nd St | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Stanton Memorial Baptist Church | 305-759-5769 | 50 NE 119th St | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
Universal Assembly of Yahweh | 305-945-8290 | 579 NE 149th St | North Miami | FL | 33161 |
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