Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Marathon, FL 33050
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Marathon FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angler's Lounge | 305-743-9018 | 1996 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Annette's Lobster and Steak House | 305-743-5516 | 3660 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Banana Cabana Restaurant | 305-289-1232 | 4590 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Barracuda Grill | 305-743-3314 | 4290 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Burdines | 305-743-9204 | Mm 475 Oceanside | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Butterfly Cafe | 305-289-7177 | 2600 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Cracked Conch Cafe The | 305-743-2233 | 4999 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Fish Tales Market & Eatery | 305-743-9196 | 11711 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Hawk's Cay Resort and Marina | 305-743-7000 | Mm 61 | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Herbie's Restaurant | 305-743-6373 | 6350 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
International House of Pancakes | 305-743-5952 | 6495 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Island Tiki Bar The | 305-743-4191 | 12648 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 305-743-6644 | 6501 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Keys Fisheries Market and Marina | 305-743-4353 | 3502 Gulfview Ave | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Manatee Bay Restaurant | 305-743-7113 | 58152 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 305-743-0230 | 5501 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Overseas Lounge and Liquors | 305-743-5311 | 3568 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Quiznos Sub | 305-743-5704 | 6950 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Rainbow Bend Resort | 305-289-1554 | 57784 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Seven Mile Grill | 305-743-4481 | 1240 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Stout's Restaurant | 305-743-6437 | 8349 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Stuffed Pig The | 305-743-4059 | 3520 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 305-743-2219 | 10694 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Takara Japanese Restaurant | 305-743-0505 | 3740 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
The Hurricane | 305-743-2220 | 4650 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Wendy's 204 | 305-743-4480 | 5150 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
Wooden Spoon The | 305-743-8383 | 7007 Overseas Hwy | Marathon | FL | 33050 |
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