Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Maitland, FL 32751
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Maitland FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 407-644-5222 | 220 W Horatio Ave | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael Orthodo | 407-644-2500 | 708 Lake Howell Rd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
First Baptist Church of Maitland | 407-628-5130 | 1950 Mohican Trl | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Grace Christian Ministries | 407-628-8816 | 1185 N Wymore Rd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
King of Kings Lutheran Church & School | 407-628-5230 | 1101 N Wymore Rd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Lake Howell Bible Chapel | 407-671-8878 | 2315 Lake Howell Ln | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church | 407-647-0010 | 412 E Kennedy Blvd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
New Age Networks | 407-660-6003 | 380 N Lake Destiny Rd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
New Church of Faith Academy | 407-644-0864 | 221 E Kennedy Blvd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
New Salem Missionary Baptist Church | 407-331-3711 | 9600 S US Highway 17/92 | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Open Door Baptist Church | 407-629-0503 | 130 N Calhoun Ave | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
The Life Center Church | 407-628-3229 | 63 E Kennedy Blvd | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
Worldwide Revival Inc | 407-644-9969 | 130 N College Ave | Maitland | FL | 32751 |
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