Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orlando, FL 32801
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orlando FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church | 407-299-7421 | 4124 McCovey St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Cathedral Church of St Luke Episcopal | 407-849-0680 | 130 N Magnolia Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Catholic Cathedral of St James | 407-422-2005 | 215 N Orange Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Central Florida Preparatory Sch | 407-290-8073 | 1450 Citrus Oaks Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Church of Jesus Christ | 407-876-8135 | 3001 S Apopka-Vineland Rd | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 407-876-0022 | 9000 Windy Ridge Red | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Creative Arts Studio | 407-282-4569 | E Colonial & Rouse | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Downtown Baptist Orlando | 407-425-0200 | 120 E Pine St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Fairvilla Baptist Church | 407-578-6988 | 4701 Lenox Blvd | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
First Baptist Church Lbv | 407-238-4593 | 11547 Winter Garden Vinela | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
H2o Church | 407-835-2426 | 100 W Livingston St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Iglesia Cristiana Jesucristo Rein | 407-888-8434 | 365 Taft-Vineland Rd | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls | 407-445-1833 | 2050 Hempel Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Mission Investment Fund of the Elca | 407-426-7175 | 300 E Church St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Insti C | 407-420-9356 | 535 W Washington St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
New Hope United Methodist Churc | 407-428-0224 | 401 S Magnolia Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Park Lake Presbyterian Church | 407-841-6550 | 309 E Colonial Dr | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Priority Associates | 407-843-3294 | 797 N Orange Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Reformed Presbyterian Church | 407-843-4361 | 324 E Livingston St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
The Porch Ministries Inc | 407-849-9811 | 720 N Orange Ave | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & School Downto | 407-422-5704 | 123 E Livingston St | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
Windermere Community Church | 407-876-2234 | 8464 Wintergarden Vinelan | Orlando | FL | 32801 |
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