Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orlando, FL 32804
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orlando FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel of Orlando | 407-523-0800 | 4025 Edgewater Dr | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Central Christian Church Disciple | 407-425-6611 | 250 SW Ivanhoe Blvd | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Church in the Son | 407-246-0001 | 4484 N John Young Pkwy | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Church of Christ-Par St | 407-898-8601 | 15 W Par St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
College Park Baptist Church | 407-843-0140 | 1914 Edgewater Dr | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
College Park Baptist Church | 407-843-6282 | 713 W Yale St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
College Park Presbyterian Ch | 407-898-3791 | 118 E Par St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
College Park United Methodist Churc | 407-843-7197 | 644 W Princeton St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Congregation Ohev Shalom Inc | 407-253-9079 | 5015 Goddard Ave | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Greater Orlando Free Methodist Churc | 407-647-4849 | 4810 Santee St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
New Age Media Inc | 407-650-8090 | 401 W Colonial Dr Ste 4 | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
No Limit Ministries | 407-521-4572 | 2200 Silver Star Rd | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Orlando Worship Center | 407-843-5683 | 4700 Goddard Ave | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Perfecting Praise Ministries | 407-298-6776 | 2309 Silver Star Rd | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Ponder Jim Ministries | 407-843-8433 | 2000 Country Side Cir N | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
Rosemont Baptist Church of Orlando | 407-299-8885 | 4236 N John Young Pkwy | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
St Michael's Episcopal Church | 407-843-8448 | 2499 N Westmoreland Dr | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
St Paul's Methodist Church | 407-647-3691 | 4710 Adanson St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
St Paul's Presbyterian Church Pca | 407-647-7774 | 4917 Eli St | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
The Word of Truth Christian Minis | 407-294-6910 | 1912 Silver Star Rd | Orlando | FL | 32804 |
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