Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orlando, FL 32809
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orlando FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 407-826-2400 | 100 Sunport Ln | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Church of Christ at Pine Castle | 407-855-4364 | 21 W Lancaster Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Congregacion Mesianica Har Habayit Inc | 407-858-0443 | 600 W Oak Ridge Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
First Baptist Church of Pine Castle | 407-855-4741 | 1001 Hoffner Ave | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Galatian Baptist Church | 407-855-1774 | 6501 Randolph Ave | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Haitian Church of the Bretheren Orlan | 407-812-1942 | 6500 Winegard Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem | 407-826-0478 | 6237 Jason St | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
John Calvin Presbyterian Ch | 407-855-9371 | 800 W Oak Ridge Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
La Luz Del Mundo Iglesia Del Dio | 407-850-2625 | 6415 Winegard Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 407-857-5556 | 7207 Monetary Dr | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Oak Ridge Baptist Church | 407-351-5719 | 3833 W Oak Ridge Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Pine Castle Christian Academy | 407-438-2724 | 5933 Randolph Ave | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Pine Castle United Methodist Churc | 407-438-2700 | 731 Fairlane Ave | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
Rizner A Robert Rev | 407-855-1930 | 6316 Matchett Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
The Father's House International | 407-888-9003 | 6229 Winegard Rd | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
United Methodist Church | 407-854-0043 | 1106 E Wallace St | Orlando | FL | 32809 |
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