Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orlando, FL 32812
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orlando FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church | 407-380-3626 | 4606 Lake Margaret Dr | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center | 407-275-1965 | 5448 Hoffner Ave | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Centro De La Familia Cristiana | 407-249-4949 | 4365 Kennedy Ave | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Christ Hispanic United Methodist Churc | 407-277-7599 | 5240 Curry Ford Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Conway Community Presbyterian Ch | 407-240-3609 | 3720 Saint Moritz St | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Conway United Methodist Church | 407-277-5010 | 3401 S Conway Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Dreambuilders Network Inc | 407-826-4777 | 5235 Hoffner Ave | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Fellowship of Orlando | 407-888-3101 | 5058 S Conway Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
First Baptist Church of Conway | 407-277-3040 | 4000 S Conway Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
First United Church of Christ of Orlan | 407-277-4945 | 4605 Curry Ford Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Monterey Baptist Church | 407-273-8260 | 5401 Curry Ford Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Saint Mary's Baptist Church | 407-273-9296 | 4695 S Conway Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
Southview Baptist Church | 407-855-2680 | 6099 S Conway Rd | Orlando | FL | 32812 |
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