Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orlando, FL 32822
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orlando FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atonement Lutheran Church Elca | 407-277-9631 | 7525 Lake Underhill Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 407-282-2565 | 2400 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Champions Ministries | 407-277-7168 | 5770 S Semoran Blvd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Church of Christ at Azalea Park | 407-277-7931 | 6800 Lake Underhill Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Ciudad Refugio Center | 407-277-7507 | 4110 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Cornerstone Chapel | 407-823-8571 | 3100 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
East Orlando Baptist Church | 407-275-7225 | 8287 Curry Ford Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Filipino International Christian Churc | 407-382-1016 | 2550 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls | 407-275-7060 | 4195 Redditt Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Loving His People Israel | 407-249-0027 | 3788 Redditt Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Shenandoah Baptist Church | 407-273-2211 | 7308 Pershing Ave | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Southeast Christian Academy | 407-277-8191 | 2413 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Southeastern District of the Christia | 407-823-9662 | 7212 Curry Ford Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Teams Commissioned for Christ | 407-447-2019 | 5734 S Semoran Blvd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
True United Church | 407-380-5200 | 2333 S Goldenrod Rd | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
Victory Baptist Church | 407-275-1631 | 6600 Hoffner Ave | Orlando | FL | 32822 |
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