Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belle Glade, FL 33430
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belle Glade FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 561-996-7700 | 1316 W Canal St S | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Belle Glade Alliance Church | 561-996-3788 | 425 E Canal St N | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Bible Teachers International | 561-996-0023 | 1516 Dr Martin Luther Kin | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Chosen Missionary Baptist Church | 561-996-7118 | 1641 NW Avenue G | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Church of Christ | 561-996-3867 | 125 NW Avenue D | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Church of God of Prophecy | 561-996-7405 | 600 W Avenue A | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of | 561-996-1904 | 577 SW 8th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Community United Methodist Churc | 561-996-5568 | 401 SW 1st St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
First Baptist Church | 561-996-5596 | 17 NW Avenue B | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
First Baptist Haitian Mission | 561-993-0839 | 200 SW Avenue B | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
First Born Church of the Living God | 561-996-0150 | 525 SW 6th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Glorious Community Holiness Chuss | 561-996-1220 | 641 SW 6th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Hairston R F III Rev | 561-996-3334 | 1101 W Avenue A | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Iglesia Bautista Independiente E | 561-996-0510 | 1119 NW 12th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Jones Isaac S Rev | 561-996-3898 | 249 SW 10th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Modern Beauty Salon Unisex | 561-996-3655 | 516 Dr Martin Luther Kin | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Mount Calvary Baptist Church | 561-996-8238 | 399 Canal St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Mt Zion Ame Church | 561-996-3804 | Multi Purpose Buildi | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista De Bel | 561-996-1124 | 224 NW Avenue G | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Saint John First Baptist Church | 561-996-1474 | 600 SW 8th St | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Saint Peter's Lutheran Church | 561-996-2205 | 125 E Canal St N | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Victory Tabernacle of Prayer for All | 561-992-5555 | 364 W Avenue A | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
Youth Crusade Deliverance | 561-996-8011 | 556 W Avenue A | Belle Glade | FL | 33430 |
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