Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Dade City, FL 33523
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Dade City FL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Faiths United Church of Chris | 352-583-4186 | 34006 Cortez Blvd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Blanton Baptist Church | 352-521-7047 | 17351 Hyland Ln | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Blanton United Methodist | 352-567-3810 | 17481 Spring Valley Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Bradley Office Machines | 352-567-6172 | 3120 N Highway 301 | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Brown Frank | 352-583-4538 | 20641 Bower Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 352-521-0653 | 14312 17th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Church of Christ | 352-567-1472 | 14303 12th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Church Penacostal El Mana | 352-518-9171 | 16331 US Highway 301 | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Damascus Mission Faith Outreach | 352-583-2106 | 4477 Treiman Blvd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Deliverance Temple of Truth | 352-567-2300 | 14515 5th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
First Baptist Church of Ridge Manor | 352-583-4140 | 34132 Ridge Manor Blvd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
First Mt Pleasant Mb Church | 352-583-0019 | 20643 Robbins Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Mount Olive Ame Church | 352-583-3722 | 20451 Randleman Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Mt Zion Ame Church | 352-567-3696 | 14440 7th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
New Bethel Ame Church | 352-583-2500 | 20653 Floyd Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 352-583-2002 | 21431 US Highway 301 | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Northside Baptist Church | 352-567-1326 | 37047 Lock St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 352-567-3807 | 14549 8th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
St Luke Church of God Apostolic Faith | 352-567-1120 | 15246 21st St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 352-567-6565 | 14518 7th St | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Trilacoochee Church of Christ | 352-583-2842 | 20216 US Highway 301 | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
Trilby United Methodist Church | 352-583-2577 | 37504 Trilby Rd | Dade City | FL | 33523 |
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