Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Athens, GA 30601
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Athens GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Athens Korean Church | 706-549-6766 | 149 Cobb St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Athens Vineyard Christian Fello | 706-546-8463 | 120 Ware St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Campus Crusade for Christ Universi | 706-548-3197 | 190 E Clayton St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Central Baptist Church | 706-353-7400 | 720 Danielsville Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Compass Community Church | 706-369-9431 | 525 Calhoun Dr | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Crooked Creek Baptist Church | 706-548-4233 | Jefferson River Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Crossroads Church Inc | 706-543-4650 | 550 Harve Mathis Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Dorsey Tabernacle Baptist Church | 706-543-2409 | 135 Mulberry St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
East Broad Church of Christ | 706-548-7469 | 1725 E Broad St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
East Friendship Baptist Church | 706-543-0789 | 480 Arch St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church East | 706-543-5039 | 186 Derby St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Emmanuel Episcopal Church | 706-543-1294 | 498 Prince Ave | Athens | GA | 30601 |
First A M E Church | 706-548-1454 | 521 N Hull St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
First Baptist Church | 706-548-1359 | 355 Pulaski St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
First Presbyterian Church | 706-543-4338 | 185 E Hancock Ave | Athens | GA | 30601 |
First United Methodist Church | 706-543-1442 | 327 N Lumpkin St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
General Missionary Baptist Convent | 404-688-4212 | 155 Joseph E Lowry Blvd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Hill First Baptist Church | 706-546-6227 | 205 N Pope St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Living Waters Christian Fellowship | 706-613-5900 | 610 Nellie B Ave | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 706-353-2078 | 287 E Carver Dr | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Moment Tommy Elder | 706-552-0779 | 496 Reese St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
New Faith Tabenacle | 706-316-9007 | 198 S Peter St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
New Freedom Christian Center Inc | 706-369-0820 | 695 Vine St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
New Jerusalem Baptist | 706-548-6111 | 313 Dubose Ave | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Northside Baptist Church | 706-543-4586 | 825 Danielsville Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Prince Avenue Baptist Church | 706-353-1985 | 595 Prince Ave | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Redeemer Presbyterian | 706-227-3344 | 165 Pulaski St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Rhema Christian Fellowship | 706-543-1434 | 1850 Danielsville Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Salvation Army | 706-543-2508 | 784 N Chase St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Springfield Baptist Church | 706-549-2686 | 4 The Grv | Athens | GA | 30601 |
St Mark Ame Church | 706-369-1640 | 155 Gressom St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
St Paul C M E Church | 706-546-0849 | 399 Flint St | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Victory Baptist Church | 706-353-1782 | 4030 Danielsville Rd | Athens | GA | 30601 |
West End Baptist Church | 706-543-6320 | 890 Boulevard | Athens | GA | 30601 |
Winning Side Baptist Church | 706-546-9333 | 1761 Highway 29 N | Athens | GA | 30601 |
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