Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ellenwood, GA 30294
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ellenwood GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anointed Word Christian Ministries | 404-328-0211 | 3800 Linecrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Anvil Block United Methodist Churc | 770-474-1173 | 3895 Anvil Block Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Atlanta Family Church | 404-241-2000 | 3060 Bouldercrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Berean Baptist Church | 770-961-0892 | 2843 Rex Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Bouldercrest Baptist Church | 404-241-2372 | 3200 Bouldercrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Braswell Harold Clrgy | 770-981-0238 | 984 Panola Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Calvary Hill Missionary | 404-241-2730 | 2627 Ward Lake Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Cofer Grove Baptist Church | 404-363-8816 | 3984 Grant Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Ellenwood Methodist Church | 770-968-7022 | 5210 Bouldercrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Exousia Lighthouse Christian Minis | 678-289-5518 | 505 Santa Fe Trl | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
First Baptist Church of Ellenwood | 770-987-1318 | 1234 Panola Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Fountain of Life Christian Churc | 404-361-1844 | 3372 Anvil Block Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
God Life and Living Holiness of Jes | 404-244-5656 | 3837 Linecrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
God's Oasis of Love Ministries | 770-413-2303 | 1093 Panola Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Greater New Hope Christian Assem | 770-389-3347 | 458 Santa Fe Trl | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 404-212-9462 | 4126 Flakes Mill Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Lovelife Christian Fellowship Chur | 404-241-1499 | 3980 Panthersville Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Poplar Spring Baptist Church | 404-241-6404 | 3796 River Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Southside Baptist Church | 770-507-9093 | 363 Fairview Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
St Matthews Baptist Church | 404-212-8390 | 3484 Linecrest Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Sylvester Baptist Church | 770-961-1989 | Old Jones Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Tanner's Baptist Church | 404-363-2885 | 4482 E Tanners Church Conn | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 404-241-0144 | 4851 River Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
Zion Grove Baptist Church | 404-366-3609 | 2519 Old Toney Rd | Ellenwood | GA | 30294 |
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