Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Riverdale, GA 30274
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Riverdale GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beltran Gaetan Aida Luz Rev | 770-477-7617 | 514 Valley Hill Rd SE | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Church of Christ at Riverdale | 770-994-7591 | 635 Denham St | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 770-991-2076 | 170 Upper Riverdale Rd S | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 770-478-6301 | 230 Highway 138 SW | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 770-471-4592 | 157 Rountree Rd | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
First Baptist Church of Riverdale | 770-997-6161 | 6805 Church St | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Harvesttime Apostolic Ministries | 770-997-1099 | 5898 Highway 85 | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 770-478-9324 | 377 Valley Hill Rd SW | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Living Waters Assembly of God | 770-471-4749 | 374 Valley Hill Rd SW | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
New Macedonia Baptist Church | 770-996-1203 | 7263 Church St | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Pointe South Community Church | 770-477-6464 | 8049 Webb Rd | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Riverdale Presbyterian Church | 770-997-5909 | 6611 Church St | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
South Metro Community Church | 770-472-7935 | 8110 Highway 85 Ste G | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Upper Room Church | 770-907-7468 | 6538 Church St | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Valley Hill Baptist Church | 770-478-2282 | 351 Valley Hill Rd SE | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
Way of Life Christian Ministries | 770-478-4778 | 148 Valley Hill Rd SW | Riverdale | GA | 30274 |
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