Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Atlanta, GA 30340
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Atlanta GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advent Lutheran Church Elca | 770-457-4600 | 5200 Buford Hwy NE | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Ch | 770-452-7446 | 3872 McElroy Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Beth-El Baptist Church | 770-448-8285 | 6730 Buford Hwy NE | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Chamblee Doraville Ministry Center | 770-451-1030 | 5935 New Peachtree Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Chestnut Drive Church of Christ | 770-457-9696 | 3545 Chestnut Dr | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Church of the New Covenant Presby | 770-455-8117 | 3330 Chestnut Dr | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
First Baptist Church of Atlanta | 770-451-1001 | 3836 Dekalb Technology Pk | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Gospel Ministries International | 770-934-7922 | 3295 Northcrest Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Great Light Church of Atlanta The | 678-406-9191 | 3297 Northcrest Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Gwinnett Baptist Tabernacle | 770-448-2656 | 6690 Buford Hwy NE | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Mision Catolica Nuestra Sra De Las Amer | 770-454-8437 | 5918 New Peachtree Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
New Life Baptist Church of Atlanta | 770-458-5959 | 3832 McElroy Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
North Atlanta Hispanic Sda Church | 770-451-1515 | 3554 Strait St | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Northeast Baptist Church | 770-938-8333 | 4046 Chamblee Tucker Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Northwoods United Methodist Churc | 770-457-4576 | 2635 Fairlane Dr | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church | 770-939-1255 | 4278 Chamblee Tucker Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Pleasantdale Church of God | 770-491-7071 | 3434 Pleasantdale Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 770-938-7272 | 3930 Chamblee Tucker Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation | 770-986-7466 | 3695 Stewart Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
Young Nak Presbyterian Church | 770-936-2702 | 3100 Oakcliff Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30340 |
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