Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Atlanta, GA 30360
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Atlanta GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Our Shepherd | 770-447-1985 | 3039 Amwiler Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
First Romanian Baptist Church | 770-992-4274 | 5505 Winters Chapel Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Fridays Dry Cleaner | 770-986-8009 | 6321 Peachtree Industrial | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Greater Mt Carmel Ame Church | 770-451-1091 | 4078 Carver Dr | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Iglesia Cristiana Roca Fuerte | 770-522-8330 | 5105 Winters Chapel Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Iglesia De Dios | 770-729-9923 | 6765 Peachtree Industrial | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Korean Holiness Church of Atlanta The | 770-458-4584 | 4955 Happy Hollow Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
North Dekalb Christian Church | 770-455-0230 | 4522 Tilly Mill Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
North Peachtree Baptist Church | 770-451-6756 | 4805 Tilly Mill Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Unity Korean Presbyterian Ch | 770-448-4664 | 3040 Amwiler Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Winters Chapel Baptist Church | 770-394-8092 | 6625 Winters Chapel Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
Zion Full Gospel World Ministry | 770-451-4420 | 4091 Carver Dr | Atlanta | GA | 30360 |
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