Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Decatur, GA 30035
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Decatur GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American University of Biblical Studie | 404-284-0037 | 4468 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Baha'l Unity Center | 770-981-0097 | 2370 Wesley Chapel Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Bethel Family Church | 404-284-3100 | 2217 Wesley Chapel Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Bountiful Blessings | 678-518-0079 | 2364 Park Central Blvd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 404-534-9130 | 2083 Wesley Chapel Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Decatur Sign-Language | 770-323-0260 | 5130 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Deeper Life Bible Church | 404-534-1500 | 5028 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Eubanks Shelton Rev | 404-289-3422 | 4862 Glenwood Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
First Assembly Apostolic Churc | 770-323-6014 | 2424 Park Central Blvd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
First Rephidim Missionary Bapt | 404-286-1254 | 4649 Glenwood Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Giver of Life Institute of Mini Trnng & | 770-981-8270 | 2255 Miller Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Higher Ground Christian Church | 404-288-9904 | 2030 Wesley Chapel Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Hillcrest Church of Christ | 404-284-9065 | 1939 Snapfinger Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
New Life Community Baptist Church | 404-284-4040 | 2131 Snapfinger Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
New Life International Family Church | 678-325-3325 | 5349 Snapfinger Woods Dr | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Oromo Evangelical Church | 404-284-8734 | 4664 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Parkwood Hills Baptist Church | 404-289-0733 | 4741 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Shekinah Glory Tabernacle | 770-808-4647 | 6087 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 770-981-3315 | 5338 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
St John Baptist Church | 770-322-9454 | 4948 Wilkins Rd | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
St Katherine's Church of God in Chris | 770-808-5991 | 5935 Covington Hwy | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
Straight Life Church of God Pentecostal | 404-289-6069 | 4228 Glenhaven Dr | Decatur | GA | 30035 |
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